
Reflexology – A healing massage for the whole body via the feet

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Reflexology.<br />
How to read the feet

10 things you may not know about reflexology

There are always all sorts of questions about reflexology: What is it?
How can it help?
What is it good for?
So on this page I’ve collected some questions and answers that I hope will give you a better idea of what reflexology is.

1. What is meant by reading the feet?

How and what can the body “tell”?
A reflexologist can read many of your body’s “secrets” about you and your health by seeing and feeling your feet.
Just by seeing your posture, how you walk and stand and where you have changes on your feet, the reflexologist can start to read where you have your weak points.

2. How can you see or feel it?

There are many different things you can learn to see and feel in the different structures of the body.
Like rough, smooth, hard, soft, dry, cold, warm, ‘gritty’, stiff, mobile, swollen, red.

A reflexologist can read your feet

3. What is meant by a reflective zone?

In natural medicine, each zone on the feet is thought to correspond to different parts of the whole body.
This means that we can read and influence the whole body by working on these specific zones.
The feet offer a clearer and more accessible approach than treating the whole body at once, making it easier to identify and address imbalances.
By focusing on the reflex zones of the feet, we can thus help to restore the body’s harmony.



4. What does reflexology actually do, why does it work?

Very simply, you can say that you get a full body massage via the foot.
The treatment method is based on the fact that the whole body is represented under the feet.
The treatment affects the whole person and the feedback systems, both organs, muscles, skeleton and the hormonal.

Using different hand movements and techniques, the reflexologist reaches different depths and tissues and in turn affects the corresponding area, the reflex zone, in the body.

The body communicates in many different ways and is constantly feeding back with different feedback systems to maintain a balance.

5. How can a treatment be carried out?

You will usually lie comfortably while the reflexologist treats you.
Or sitting up if you are e.g.
are pregnant and cannot lie down.

It is the feet and lower legs that are treated.

6. How does it feel to receive reflexology?

It is usually a deeply relaxing treatment and many people fall asleep on the treatment bench.
You may feel tired and a little cold or energized.

Some people are afraid of pain, and it can definitely be felt in sore areas, but a balance of “good-pain” is recommended so that the person receiving treatment can relax and receive the treatment without the body going into “defense”.

Reflexology: How does it feel?

7. What can reflexology help you with?
What is reflexology good for?

By focusing on different parts and different flows, the reflexologist can strengthen the body to balance up and increase the ability to heal itself.

Reflexology can, for example
help against:

Gastrointestinal imbalances


Headache/tension headache/migraine

Low immune system

Mild depression

Hormonal imbalances

Neck and jaw tension

Stiff muscles, tense and sore backs

Pregnancy and before childbirth


Wellness - prevention

Discomfort from old healed injuries, herniated discs, broken legs and arms

Rheumatic and autoimmune diseases

High stress levels, poor sleep

Poor circulation


Urinary tract

And much more...

8. Why can reflexology help with so many different things?

It can’t help with everything, can it?
It may seem impossible that reflexology is good for so many different things, but if you think that the whole body is treated from the foot, where the foot is a part that corresponds to the whole and where each part of the body then has its counterpart in the different parts of the foot, then it becomes understandable that you can read and support the whole body and its functions from the corresponding part and zone.

9. What is a reflexology map?
How do you read it?

Imagine that the map is like a guide to a big garden, where each plant represents a part of your body.
By knowing where each plant is, you can take care of them more easily. To use a reflexology map, we start by looking at the map and identifying the different zones on the foot. By focusing on these zones, we can stimulate blood circulation and help the body recover.

10. How often should you go and how many treatments do you need?

Yes, just as we are different individuals, we also have different problems and needs.

You can go once in a while when you feel you need a relaxing treatment and want to replenish your energy.
But if you want help and support with specific problems, it may be good to start with 1 – 2 – 3 times and see how you react, but it can be anything between 3-10 times with follow-up treatments.

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